Originally published at National Catholic Register

From digital discipline to prayer, what should be on your list?

While the rest of the world prepares to start fresh in 2025, pledges to eat better, exercise and read more books often get the limelight.

However, I’d like to encourage my fellow Christians to take an honest look at behaviors and actions that not only hurt ourselves, but others too.

Here are five habits we all ought to ditch in 2025, with compelling reasons to do so: 1. Spending too much time on our phones; a recent study reported that adults typically spend more than 4.5 hours on their phone daily. Why is it destructive? It takes time away from our families, decreases productivity (arguably, stealing wages), impacts relationships, and is a bad witness to our children. Additionally, using phones while driving can cause accidents, property damage or death. What to do: There are many apps and strategies to combat excessive phone usage. Utilize these for accountability, or make a commitment to put your phone away during certain hours. Your life will be better without it.

2. Being perpetually late; I get it. I’m a mom of four, and I’ve made plenty of excuses for tardiness.