Originally published at National Catholic Register

The Candidates, the Issues and Church Teaching

The 2024 presidential campaign has been unlike any other in our nation’s history. Former president Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, narrowly survived two assassination attempts. Meanwhile, his presumed opponent, President Joe Biden, unexpectedly bowed out of the race, leaving Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place as the Democratic nominee.

Now, it’s time to make a choice.

As Catholic voters, it’s important to be well-informed about the candidates’ views on the pressing issues of the day. But not only that: Our consciences also ought to be well-formed by the sound guidance and teachings of our Church.

For that reason, the Register’s 2024 Voter’s Guide combines the candidates’ positions and excerpts from their party’s platforms with citations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other reliable Church sources, focusing on seven key “pillars” that have special resonance for Catholics this year: Abortion and Life Issues; Family Life; the Economy, Foreign Policy, Immigration; Care for Creation and Care for the Elderly.

We hope this guide can help you prayerfully discern which candidate is most deserving of your support as our country prepares for Election Day on Nov. 5.

2024 Voter’s Guide