Originally published at National Catholic Register

Voters in 10 U.S. states will have the opportunity on Nov. 5 to change their state’s laws on abortion, and Catholic leaders are strongly urging all citizens to vote to protect life. 

Several of the state ballot proposals in front of voters threaten current pro-life protections, particularly a number of proposed constitutional amendments to expand abortion. 

At the same time, in other states that do little to protect unborn babies, proposed measures would make abortion even more widely accessible than it is already.

One state — Nebraska — is in the unusual position of having two competing abortion-related ballot measures, one pro-life and one pro-abortion.

Here’s an updated look at each state voting on abortion this year, with information about what Catholic leaders have said in those states as the vote approaches.


Arizona voters will be allowed to decide whether to add a so-called “right to abortion” to the state constitution, meaning the state will not be able to restrict abortion until the point of “viability,” at approximately 24 weeks of pregnancy.

On April 3, Arizona for Abortion Access PAC surpassed the required number of signatures to get its initiative, Proposition 139, on the November ballot. If approved by the people, the amendment would