Originally published at Eight Hobbits

Lost Until the Light Comes by Tammy Fernando on Amazon

This book is the second in a series by British author, Tammy Fernando. Two friendly families, one from Sri Lanka and one from India, travel to a special place on a trip. It is refreshing to see five children playing together in the woods, as they all go hiking.

Chris, the little boy who is the main character in the series, gets lost while he is chasing some squirrels. Who will come to his rescue? Is God listening?

Every family can relate to the worry that a child will get lost. And every child can be reassured by reading this book that God will protect them. The Holy Trinity is a powerful advocate and friend, especially in very real danger. God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit all help Chris on his journey out of the woods.

I love that Tammy uses a couple of “silent” pages with no words, which give the reader time to process what is happening and make the resolution of Chris’s dilemma