Originally published at crisis magazine
Before the heresy of Quietism, Systematic Theology—which taught how to come to know God with the mind—and Mystical Theology—which taught how to come to love God with the heart—were complementary to each other. After the condemnation of Quietism, however, Mystical Theology mostly disappeared.
As the historian Msgr. Philip Hughes pointed out, it was replaced by Moral Theology, down to the present day. It introduced a new Moral Spirituality that sets before us the exemplary moral life that Christ Himself lived and then calls upon us all to live that same life. However, it often does this without the infused supernatural love that Christ received from His Father in the contemplative prayer to which He turned every day of His life. This profound prayer was taken out of mainstream Catholic spirituality after Quietism. It led to the disastrous moral malaise that we all experience today.
Since Quietism then, when the new Moral Spirituality took over, the faithful have been reading the life of Christ and the lives of the saints backward. In other words, they saw and were inspired by the impeccable moral behavior of Christ and the saints and were led to believe that the way to follow them was